Questions of the Month

Kids have lots of questions about what’s going on. Here are a few of the top queries I have received from teens and my responses.


Q: Can you get coronavirus from vaping?


A: It is unlikely that you get coronavirus simply from vaping, however, we do know that smoking (which vaping is a form of) puts you at higher risk for getting very sick from coronavirus as it is a respiratory infection. Bottom line: better to quit smoking and vaping to keep you healthy and fight off illnesses.


Q: Why don’t kids get as serious infection as adults?


A: We don’t know why kids have milder cases, overall. It could have to do with your immunity and the way the virus works. Although COVID-19 mainly affects the elderly and people with chronic conditions like asthma, we also know that healthy young people have become very ill, too. That's why it is important that you take coronavirus seriously and do your part to flatten the curve by staying indoors, washing your hands with soap and water, and keeping 6 feet away from non-household members when outdoors. Also, stay healthy and boost your immunity by eating well, sleeping enough and exercise regularly.  


Q: I am 16-year soccer player and pretty healthy. Why can’t I visit a friend at his house and play video games for an hour or so if we sit apart? Why is it such a big deal?


A: It is great that you are a soccer player and in excellent physical shape. Social distancing can be hard especially if you feel fine and want to spend time with your friends. Remember, that teens could have a mild case of COVID-19 and not even realize that they are sick. Even though you are only sitting with your friend, you are still touching items in his house like doorknobs, game controls, and chairs. You run the risk of potentially spreading infection to other members of his household like his parents who may be at higher risk of getting ill. The goal of social distancing is to minimize spread of infection by staying at home. If you really want to spend time with your buddy, you could go outdoors and walk, bike or kick a soccer ball (and stay 6 feet away) or set up a time to speak by phone or game online.